
Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Proximity Screen Off Pro 5 4 APK

Proximity Screen Off Pro 5.4 APK

  • Pocket/Flip or Smart Cover Mode: Turns screen OFF when sensor covered and ON when uncovered. (Feature requested by Galaxy Note users)
  • Swipe to Screen Off: Turn OFF the screen by sliding your hand 
  • Cover to Screen Off: Turn OFF the screen by Covering the sensor for a duration of time (Cover and Hold)
  • Cover to Screen On: Turn ON the screen by Covering the sensor for a duration of time (Cover and Hold) - Note: This can cause Battery Drain
  • Ignore Apps list: Add the apps/games where you want to disable the service 
  • Widget: to start and stop the service 
  • ScreenOff shortcut: to turn off the screen by launching the app. 
  • Sensor Configuration : Based on your device select the sensor of your choice, or the one thats available and configure their values, as they are different for different devices. 
  • Enable screen on/off during calls only
  • Disable call handling completely
  • De-Activate sensors after timeout
  • Override power button and screen-on by other apps (Phone is in pocket and you get a call or you accidentally press the power button, screen will remain off)
  • Prevent accidental screen on
  • Disable accidental lock - in Swipe to Screen Off mode if the sensor is covered for longer than specified duration screen wont turn off 
  • Vibration on screen On/Off

Whats in this version : (Updated : Feb 7, 2013)
  • Fixed the disable lockscreen
  • Added a feature to fix Flip Cover issue (No-Recognize Delay)
  • Auto configure tablets to use Light Sensor (Tested with Nexus 10/Note 10.1)
  • Added option to enable Debugging

Download Here

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